Publishing beyond borders

Chamber of Commerce will present the empowerment and competitiveness development pathway designed and intended for actors and actresses in the publishing supply chain: a pathway to foster growth in both domestic and international markets of publishing houses, print makers, distribution, but also suppliers of transversal skills related to the world of content and publishing, such as: editing, illustrations, scripts, AI developments for publishing.

Within this framework fall two activities that will be narrated during the meeting:

Toward Internationalization, a project conceived by the Print Club Torino Association in collaboration with the Turin Chamber of Commerce that will address with companies the issues of integrated communication, sustainability, technological innovation and participation in fairs and events;

Torino Publishing Fair in November 2023, the second edition of the event that targets professionals working in the publishing supply chain, understood as publishers and related service companies, and creates opportunities for business meetings.

Participating in the talk will be:

Guido Bolatto
Secretary General Turin Chamber of Commerce
“A path of capacity building for the publishing industry”

Marzia Camarda
President ICCI
“Publishing Fair 2023”

Fabio Guida
Co-Director of Graphic Days®
“Toward Internationalization”


Monday, May 08
5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Room: Spazio Arena

By Graphic Days®

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