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Home / Exhibitions / Andrea Serio: Diagonali

A selection of the illustrations that have become book, magazine and CD covers exhibited at the Graphic Days® festival

Andrea Serio: Diagonali

May 4 - 14 2023


Andrea Serio was born in Carrara in 1973. As illustrator and cartoonist, he has been devoted to the colored pencil technique for 20 years and he participated in important national and international events. Among his collaborations: Google, Einaudi, Feltrinelli, L’Obs, La Revue Dessinée, Bayard, Laterza, Mondadori, La Stampa, Linus, IED. Boscarato 2022 Award for Best Cover and Best Illustrator 2022 for ArtTribune. He is artistic director and lecturer at the International School of Comics in Turin, Italy.

The exhibition was born from the meeting between the artist Andrea Serio and Chiara Stival, curator of the exhibition, and offers a selection of original drawings by the illustrator that have become covers for books, magazines and CDs; the project combines the exhibition part with a commitment to protect the environment by focusing on the correlation between deforestation and climate change.

The interest in art and the environmental issue has transformed the exhibition into a larger project, with the aim of involving every visitor in the concept of circular diagonals. How can colored pencils become trees again?

The exhibition, which had Turin as its first stop, is a traveling project that involves all of Italy. A part of the proceeds from the sale of the catalog during the festival was destined for the planting of new plants by supporting Abracadabra, for Graphic Days®, in the city of Turin and VAIA, for Vaia Wood, in the Dolomites.