A showcase space to present young Italian talents in today’s world of visual design. An observatory on the experimentation of new languages in visual communication in Italy.
Open Call
Neologia is a Graphic Days® project that aims to create a showcase space to present talented young Italians in today’s world of visual design: a democratic and constantly evolving environment that brings together the best projects of young creators, rewarding quality and the experimentation of languages, thus allowing new creative minds to become part of a dynamic and international context.
As in the lexicon, the term “neologia” indicates an enrichment process through the creation of new words and expressions. In the same way, with the call, we wanted to highlight the ability of young designers to embrace stimuli, sometimes external to the world of design, reinterpreting them and making them flow into new forms and orientations.
Smart Italia, a cooperative society that offers support to workers in the fields of culture, creativity and knowledge supported the first and second edition of Neologia by selecting and rewarding an absolute winner in 2021 and two winners in 2022 with a total amount of € 1000 that could be spent in training for each edition.
Neologia is aimed at young Italians (or those that have lived in Italy for at least two years) aged 18 to 30, who can submit projects within one of the following catagories: Motion Graphic, Poster Design, Editorial Design and GIF.
Neologia is looking for innovative, experimental works characterized by stylistic and language contamination with the aim of monitoring and presenting an observatory of new trends of visual design in Italy.
16-26 September 2021. Toolbox Coworking
During Touch, the sixth edition of the Graphic Days® festival, the 100 works selected by the internal jury through the first call were exhibited (deadline 25 July 2021).
25-27 March 2022, Certosa Village
The exhibition was re-proposed within the Milan Graphic Festival calendar.
17-18 September 2022, Docks Dora
23 September – 2 October 2022, Cavallerizza Reale
On the occasion of the seventh edition of the Graphic Days® festival, the projects selected through the second edition of the open call were exhibited.
Neologia selects projects by young Italian designers (or those who have lived in Italy for at least two years) aged 18 to 30 in one of the following catagories: Motion Graphic, Poster Design, Editorial Design) and GIF.
With the term “Neologia” we want to enhance the ability of young designers to reinterpret stimuli, sometimes external to the world of design, making them flow into new forms and orientations.

100 selected projects were exhibited from 16th to 26th September 2021 in Turin on the occasion of the sixth edition of the Graphic Days® Festival.
Neologia goes on tour! The exhibition was displayed from 25th to 27th March during the Milan Graphic Festival.
During the sixth edition of Graphic Days®, the winning projects of the Neologia 2022 call were exhibited in two locations: on September 17 and 18 at Docks Dora and from September 23 to October 2 at Cavallerizza Reale.
The third edition of Neologia was exhibited at the Cavallerizza Reale from May 4 to 14, during the Graphic Days® festival. On May 13 the project partners presented the special prizes.
Altri progetti